What do you think is going to happen?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Solar Storms 2012 - Solar Flares 2012

Our Solar System is at its “solar max”meaning the Sun is expected to have a change in magnetism and ultimately will trigger a chain reaction throughout the entire Solar SystemEvery 11 years we play 'Russian roulette' with the sun, and sooner or later we are going to lose that bet. According to scientists, we are in the middle of an 11,500 year cycle of when the ice age returns. It was approximately 11,500 years ago that the world saw its last ice age, starting off with a polar shift. Earth doesn’t have to flip an entire 180 to truly throw off the balance of the Eco-systems and have some devastating effects on the way we live life.

As the magnetism of Earth changes, so does our protection. 
The magnetic field created by Earth also reaches hundreds of miles  into space. It acts as a shield and protects the Earth from various harms. The earths magnetic field is also solely responsible for the polar shifts and flips you may have already heard about. It is believed that the Earth's magnetism slowly dies down and eventually runs out. At that time the Earth has a pole shift and then gains its magnetism back, a reset in a sense.

With no magnetic field protecting the Earth, our climate could change drastically as the Sun's harmful emissions are not deflected like they would be when the shields are up. On top of that, our poles would not be stable, causing many different climatic changes and negative effects.

Compasses and navigation would no longer have a basis for direction due to the loss and change in the magnetism and migratory animals would be extremely disrupted by the changes.  Many fish and insects also use an internal sort of navigation based on magnetism which would also be affected by such an event. This could also affect the already diminishing of the pollination of crops by bees, causing more famines and lack of food. The climatic changes would definitely be the most devastating on all fronts. Tsunami’s, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, cyclones,  and so on. To continue reading jump ahead to 


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