What do you think is going to happen?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Undeniable Extra Dimensional Beings and UFOs of 2012 Video Compilation

We only know what the government wants us to know, or at least that's what they think. 

2012 has thus far been a year to remember, the storms, the earthquakes, the wars, government quarrels, and most of all the activity in the sky. It is no secret to the usual youtube browser that this year has brought on more than enough videos and sighting to make even the most skeptical of people tune in. With the number of uploads and sighting continually growing and multiple sighting of the same thing it is very difficult to be able to just dismiss them all as hoax's. The governments will not comment or respond to 90% of them and probably for good reason, how do you as a reader think it would effect the world globally to hear their government tell them extra dimensional beings do exist? Some would applaud it, some would still deny it, but the people as a mass would probably panic.
But that leaves those who already know to continue their own personal quests to seek the truth. Talk is cheap and you want video's. We've compiled a plethora of great video's for you to make your own decisions, opinions and assumptions. 
Leave us some comments and feedback if you will so we can continue to improve and bring you what you want all in one place. Read, watch, share, enlighten.  

Here is one of two very interesting ufo video's around our moon.

These video's are both from this year. One has more exposure than the other.

This video is a MUST watch. Almost undeniable. 

Great compilation of NASA Videos over the years. 

The World is Absolutely Changing.

Read, Watch, Share, Enlighten.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Look At The Signs, Listen To The Mayans

It's getting rather hard to deny that our earth is changing before our eyes, whether we like it or not. 

Over the course of the last six months we have experienced devastating earthquakes, tsunami's, hurricanes, super storms, fires, etc. Vast amounts of destruction and devastation. Never before have we seen such calamity. 

New York is torn apart and now expecting snow, Haiti is once again devastated by the forces of nature, 63,000 people in North Korea left homeless due to flooding, the Phillipines were hit with extreme flooding as well. Pakistan, Russia, Nepal, Romania have all been hit hard by flooding. This is happening globally and it is important to be educated and up to date on what is going on. 
We are experiencing extreme weather and natural forces out of season and on unprecedented  levels. "Bug out bags" no longer to sell as novelties people are buying them up as necessities and with good reason. Just look at our most recent event. Super Storm Sandy. This storm shut down the greatest city in the world. 7.5 million family's and businesses without power in 15 different states. The total economic impact just in the US is 45 billion dollars. The death toll in the U.S. is 100 and expected to climb as clean up continues, 14 also dead in New Jersey, 54 in Haiti, and another 14 in Cuba. This was not your average storm, and they are speculating that more are coming. It's time to look around and prepare yourself for what could happen. Technology saved a lot of lives in this 

The Mayan's Didn't Predict The End

They never specified to be clear.  They do however say and preach that we are in a time of great changes and that the way the world has been living cannot continue. Through out Mayan history there has been great changes on specific dates. The Popul Vue is the story of Mayan creation. What makes this relevant is the fact that it's like the earth has a "reset" button. When something isn't working it is diminished or wiped out and it is all started over. The changes are not either specified but will change the world as we know it, this video provides a little insight. The elders who are given knowledge from their elders are the only ones who really have a real grasp on what's to come, or isn't. 
There is also much invaluable information at learnabout2012.com . Here you can find much information regarding the Mayans, and many other theories regarding the impending date, December 21, 2012.  Mayan Calendar Girls: The Great Meso-American Novel (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nibiru - Planet X - Annunaki - 2012

What You Should Know About Nibiru 

Many of us are wondering what the Nibiru and Planet X theory is all about and if there’s any truth to it. After reading this, you will certainly hope not. The alleged planet Nibiru and its inhabitants are not pleasant theories, bringing death and destruction to our beautiful blue planet. Here are five things you need to know about it.

1.      What is it?

2.      The Origins

3.      The Theory

4.      Proof & Denials

5.      What Happens If It’s True

What is it?

Nibiru is supposedly a very large rogue planet headed towards Earth inhabited by beings referred to as the Anunnaki, a malicious alien race.


Ancient findings suggest that the Sumerians were the first to know of this planet. Babylonians called it Marduk, and today we call it Nibiru or Planet X. The Sumerians were the first civilization of ancient Mesopotamia. Their scribes covered many advanced topics such as cosmological tales, astronomical tablets, astrological forecasts, and mathematical formulas.

The Theory

Theories gathered from these ancient artifacts and legends say that the Anunnaki are a very advanced, evil reptilian race and the giant planet is predicted to collide with Earth in 2012.

Proof and Denials

Two scholars, Zecharia Sitchin and Laurence Gardner, say that the Anunnaki are very real, physical beings who come from outer space and that this will not be their first visit to Earth. Taken from Sitchin's interpretation of Babylonian religious texts, a massive planet known as Nibiru, passes by Earth every 3,600 years and the sentient beings inhabiting the planet interact with humanity.

CNN openly admitted that a massive brown dwarf star 4 times the size of Jupiter was in our solar system. NASA later denied its existence as you can see in the video below.

In ancient Sumerian tablets dated back 6000 years, Nibiru is a word that their people used to refer to ‘Planet X.’

The theory of a large astronomical object colliding with Earth in the near future is not supported by mainstream science.

What Will Happen If It’s True

It is believed that upon entering our solar system, Planet X will cause worldwide catastrophes such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, fire meteor storms, and tidal waves. It is also said to contribute to our planet's pole shifts and cause even further disaster. Theories also propose that the current and last few years of natural disasters we’ve had all over the world are due to the encroaching planet. The intense and devastating earthquakes and tsunamis we’ve witnessed are said to be a cause of the planet getting closer and throwing off Earth's magnetism and causing pole instability. Global warming is also attributed to Planet X. Earth is not the only planet whose temperature is rising. Saturn, Neptune, and Mars have also experienced a consistent rise in temperatures.

Doomsayers have always been around so being skeptical is easy. But it is alarming to see some of the predicted changes happening. For a list of these current events go to:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2012 UFOs Proof? - Extra Dimensional Beings - Area 51

UFO's Going Mainstream

For years UFO's have never ceased to boggle the minds of everyday people and renowned scientists alike. Roswell was one of the largest scale UFO events in history.Today there are still speculations, theories and beliefs about it but one can never seem to find the absolute truth on the matters. We are not as hindered in these modern times technologically so finding evidence and sharing these types of events has became global and is growing and constantly testing the abilities of the scientists and governments to form an answer for the masses. 

"Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the Government is hushing it up."
-Professor Stephen Hawking

"I've been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are real and interplanetary. Another words we are being watched by beings from outer space."
-Albert M. Chop, deputy public relations director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration,(NASA) and former United States Air Force spokesperson.

These theories and idea's are not just popular in the conspiracy theorist groups and haven't been for a long time. The attention of the governments, renowned scientists and people have all given their two cents on the idea of extra-terrestrials.  

"In my mind, there is no question that they're out there. My Career is well established. My texts books are required reading in all the major capitals on planet earth. If you want to become a physist to learn about the unified feild therory-you read my books. Therefore, I'm in a position to say: Yes- Most likely they're out their, perhaps even visted, perhaps on our moon. 
- Professor Michio Kaku
Ufos By Kean, Leslie (Google Affiliate Ad)

This is a great video showing a culmination of the UFO's going main stream. Its on the news. Its in the public. Its all out there for us to see. What we do with it is our own business, but it's important that we all as a mass are aware of what is going on around us. These are clips from the news headlines. 

This is a Video with subtitles created around a frantic phone call in 1997 to a Art Bell's radio talk show. The possibility of it being a hoax is just as real as the possibility of it being an actual frantic attempt to spread the truth, it is a must watch.

To find more excellent information and truth on UFO's and the eerie truth visit. http://zmmarchand.ufodisclos.hop.clickbank.net. To say the least there is definitely an increasing large audience to these shows in the sky. As the audience is increasing so is the demand for the truth. Technology is helping the struggle's to find the truth, share experiences, and enlighten the masses. We encourage you to share this short summary and your experiences with us. The more information we have together, the stronger we all are. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Solar Storms 2012 - Solar Flares 2012

Our Solar System is at its “solar max”meaning the Sun is expected to have a change in magnetism and ultimately will trigger a chain reaction throughout the entire Solar SystemEvery 11 years we play 'Russian roulette' with the sun, and sooner or later we are going to lose that bet. According to scientists, we are in the middle of an 11,500 year cycle of when the ice age returns. It was approximately 11,500 years ago that the world saw its last ice age, starting off with a polar shift. Earth doesn’t have to flip an entire 180 to truly throw off the balance of the Eco-systems and have some devastating effects on the way we live life.

As the magnetism of Earth changes, so does our protection. 
The magnetic field created by Earth also reaches hundreds of miles  into space. It acts as a shield and protects the Earth from various harms. The earths magnetic field is also solely responsible for the polar shifts and flips you may have already heard about. It is believed that the Earth's magnetism slowly dies down and eventually runs out. At that time the Earth has a pole shift and then gains its magnetism back, a reset in a sense.

With no magnetic field protecting the Earth, our climate could change drastically as the Sun's harmful emissions are not deflected like they would be when the shields are up. On top of that, our poles would not be stable, causing many different climatic changes and negative effects.

Compasses and navigation would no longer have a basis for direction due to the loss and change in the magnetism and migratory animals would be extremely disrupted by the changes.  Many fish and insects also use an internal sort of navigation based on magnetism which would also be affected by such an event. This could also affect the already diminishing of the pollination of crops by bees, causing more famines and lack of food. The climatic changes would definitely be the most devastating on all fronts. Tsunami’s, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, cyclones,  and so on. To continue reading jump ahead to 


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Worst Mayan Calendar Debunk Ever

Read ahead before you go ahead and share this.

This is one of the most unbelievable things that is going around on the internet. It's ridiculous. Caesar created the leap year...Caesar created the leap year. Okay now let that sink in. 
The Mayan Calendar does not have anything whatsoever to do with the Gregorian (western, christian) calendar, which was a modified and updated version of the Julian calendar to incorporate Easter.
The Mayan Calendar was based on astrology and the earth's relevance to where the stars lie in correspondence. 
It is naive to think something like this is true. The Mayan calendar isn't set on the days of the year and especially our years in the Gregorian version. It is a complex long count cog system that ends when it ends. It did not end 7 months ago according to our time and the Gregorian calendar. It just so happens to end December 21, 2012. They are in no way related or influenced by one another. It is not written on the Mayan calendar that December 2012 is the end. It is a complex decimal system that starts over after that date. The Gregorian calendar and the leap years are completely irrelevant to the time it is ending. The calendar ends when it ends. And starts again where it starts. Our Gregorian calendar, Caesar's imposed leap years, and our agendas account for nothing based on the Mayan calendar systems. It ends December 21, 2012 because that's how we convey it, not because the Mayan's said December 21. The Mayan calendar did not end 7 months ago, it ends in a few months from now. The leap years did not influence the Mayans in any kind of way.  http://www.learnabout2012.com/TheMayanCalendar.html, here is more information regarding the Mayan Calendar. 

Bet you wish you wouldn't have shared the first picture all over your facebook and twitter now. Mayan Calendar T-Shirt (Google Affiliate Ad)

March 14, 2012 Japan Gets Another Quake

Back to Back Quakes For The Japanese

March 11, 2012 marked the 1 year anniversary since the 9.0 magnitude earthquake followed by a tsunami killed nearly 20,000 people in Japan. And just two days later Japan is rocked by a 6.8 magnitude quake followed by a 6.1 just a few hours later. There have been no reports of injuries or extreme damages thankfully. A tsunami warning was issued but later revoked after there were only very small changes in the water levels and swells. The evacuations that displaced several coastal towns were also revoked shortly after. The scientific information can be found here by following this link http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usb0008gs0.php
The country of Japan is still trying to rebuild since the devastating events that took place last year. The battles with the nuclear plants have been making headlines all of this last year. The towns and villages that were also destroyed in the wake of the earthquake and tsunamis are still rebuilding since the events of March 11, 2012. 

This is a video of last years devastating events, barely one year ago

These last few weeks have began to show signs that 2012 will be a year to remember. The largest solar storms we've seen in six years hit earth just barely a week ago, and the sun is still flipping and we haven't even seen its full potential when it hits its solar maximum. More on that here by following this link http://www.learnabout2012.com/SolarStormsandPoles.html
Japan now has been hit twice in the same day by a 6.8 earthquake and 6.1 just a few hours later. Scientists should be working over time to figure what is going on or provide us with the answers we need. To find out more about the 2012 phenomenon visit  http://www.learnabout2012.com/Home.html.
Stay informed and up to date on the phenomeon of 2012 by following along. Keep your eyes on the world because something is changing. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 07, 2012 Solar Storm


Yesterday one of the largest solar storms in almost 6 years was cast into space. The sun launched a CME straight toward earth and we're about to enter into harms way.

“The sun is waking up at a time in the month when Earth is coming into harm’s way. Think of these CMEs somewhat like a bullet that is shot from the sun in more or less a straight line. When the sunspot is right in the middle of the sun, something launched from there is more or less directed right at Earth. It’s kind of like how getting sideswiped by a car is different than a head-on collision. Even still, being sideswiped by a big CME can be quite dramatic."  Harlan Spence, an astrophysicist at the University of New Hampshire
As the year goes on it will be of no surprise if the world runs into more of these. Michio Kaku said its like the earth is playing a game of Russian roulette with the sun and its a matter of time before we get hit. Could this be the year? The Mayan Calendar ends December 21, 2012, which is coincidentally the winter solstice, which is also landing right around when the sun's solar maximum cycle will be at its peak...nobody really knows what will happen or is going to happen but the best thing we all can do is stay prepared and keep a constant watch on the signs that the universe is giving us. 

You can find more information and resources regarding solar storms and solar flares at..

Michio Kaku is one of the greatest minds of our time. This is a short clip of his take on solar flares.

Friday, March 2, 2012

What about 2012?

"The theories concern solar cycles, asteroids and comets, rogue planets, plasma bands, the exploding galactic core and other ideas, and the results are predicted to be anything from burnt out power stations to total wipe out. One thing is for sure; they can't all be right!" - Geoff Stray

Many different speculations are circulating about what will happen on December 21, 2012. The dark side predictions such as a rogue planet, polar shifts, or the Mayan calendar ending all point to catastrophic events or apocalypse. Others believe we may be at the dawn of a new era towards global enlightenment and groundbreaking advances in multiple aspects of the world. Perhaps you believe nothing may happen. This theory is just as plausible and is shared by NASA and other major organizations. 
There are many patterns and similarities in these theories. For better or worse, they do seem to suggest something is going to happen. The best bet is to be prepared, do your research, and stay informed. We will provide the most current information and resources here. You may also keep up with the latest info through facebook. 


Pole Shifts and Magnetic Reversals
The earth's poles have always moved, but they are now moving and swaying much more than has ever been recorded. Airports as well as animals are being affected and it's due to many different reasons.  A large and probable theory is that the north pole will end up as the south pole, as seen in the film 2012. The Earth's magnetic field is directly affecting our axis and how we spin. It has recently been found that our magnetic field is weakening and there are actually holes in the Earth's "shield." The lower the magnetism, the less stable our planet's  rotation will be.

Solar Storms
The predicted solar storms are bigger than any we have ever seen. The relevance to 2012 is the sun's current rotation. It is currently rotating 180 degrees from top to bottom. This is called a solar maximum and it means the sun is going haywire spewing radiation and gamma rays at a higher rate and more powerfully than ever before. The results of this could be globally debilitating.

Nibiru the Planet X
Nibiru and Planet X also ties in with the Mayan theory in that it suggests "the return of the enlightened ones." Ancient legends predict that Nibiru will not only throw our solar system and planet into chaos, it's inhabited. The inhabitants of this planet are foul and terrible and will not be coming "in peace."

The Mayan CalendarThe ancient Mayans created an extremely accurate cog system calendar, not like the Gregorian calendar we use today. It was a very complex and detailed one that didn't just follow time and day to day life,  it followed something much bigger. It followed the stars. They accurately predicted many events and changes in the earth, and because of this we have reason to be very concerned... their calendar ends this December 21, 2012. 


Nothing Will Happen
The possibility and theory that life will carry on as usual after December 21, 2012 is a very real one. Scientific experts worldwide have stated that there are no current threats to our planet associated with the year 2012 and there may be good reason why the doomsday prophecy has not been fully accepted by mainstream society.

Groundbreaking Advances in Science, Medicine, and Technology
Incredible advances in these fields and others such as psychology and space advances are already starting to take place in 2012. Experts such as Karl Maret, M.D. predicts that in the coming year and years to follow we will experience some of the most incredible breakthroughs the world has ever seen.

Global Enlightenment 
Another expert, Gerardo Barrios Kaanek, Mayan Medicine man and Timekeeper, began his spiritual journey at the age of 13 with a Mayan Master Shaman. Kaanek has traveled to many different villages in Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras, and interviewed nearly 600 other Mayan Timekeepers. His conclusion is that the time for a universal humanity and oneness will reach its peak on December 21, 2012.

Possibilities for World Peace
The following excerpt from living Mayan priest, Don Alejandro Perez Oxlaj, speaks of a time of peace to come and not the end of the world: To all my brothers and sisters who listen to this message…first of all these words are not mine, they are words of my ancestors. It is in the Maya Prophecy that in the time of the 12 baktun and 13 Ahau, it is the return of the ancestors. It is the return of the men of wisdom. Let the morning come. Let the dawn come for the people to be happy and find peace. So I am here with you giving this message, do not be afraid and spread this message to all the world. 

What do you think is going to happen? Comments, arguments, theories, we're interested in what you have to say.